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SAS Employment Opportunities
Job Search and Employment Opportunities Page

† This site is for the benefit of persons desiring to hear about SAS employment in the greater Philadelphia/Wilmington area and for Employers to share their SAS requirements. There is no charge for this service. Posted requirements must include contact information, and they must be for a SAS position in one of the following areas: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia in Pennsylvania; Burlington, or Camden in South New Jersey; or Delaware. The PhilaSUG executive committee reserves the sole right, without recourse, to decide what is included on this site.

These listings are posted by organizations and individuals independent of PhilaSUG and PhilaSUG is not responsible for their content or any errors and omissions; nor does inclusion represent endorsement of any kind.

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This site was last modified: January 1, 2020 8:13 PM EST (GMT -5) . Comments and suggestions are always appreciated, e-mail the Web Master at webmaster at PhilaSUG dot org
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PhilaSUG assumes no liability for incorrect or outdated information contained in this site, and does not guarantee that the information contained in this site is accurate.   This information is publicly provided with the sole purpose of assisting job seekers in finding employment, and for assisting companies in finding employees.